Monday, April 4, 2011

New To Blogging...

I have decided to join the internet world of Blogging.  On this site I will post some very creative ideas about stamping, scrapbooking, crafting, painting, gardening and recipes and whatever great ideas I can come up with.  Those of you, who personally know me, know that I have many creative ideas. 

To get started I will take some photos of things I have created in the past and then as time goes on I will add my new "projects" to the mix.  I hope that you will enjoy these ideas/crafts/projects and that you will share some of your ideas with me.

Also you can expect to read some journals or short essays I have written, after completing two college courses in writing and grammar I hope that my writing has improved! 

Please note that any written word, idea or photo cannot be used for publication without the written consent of me; Karen Shelton Meyer.  You can reach me at

For God's Honor and Glory!

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